DESPITE all the clamour over presents, parties and decorations, for most people Christmas remains focused on one thing – family.

It is true that the simple things in life are the best, and despite the tinsel and trees and trails of credit card receipts, it is the basic concept of a family meal which remains the biggest thrall for many Oxford Mail readers.

And despite all the fuss about turkey and the trimmings, it is not the food but the company which will make tomorrow such a special day.

But while we enjoy our festive food, we should remember that, for some, this season will be tinged with sadness as they stare at an empty seat at the table.

We should spare a thought for the brave servicemen and women who are away from home during this otherwise most joyous of holidays.

We should also think of those poor souls featured in the Oxford Mail today, who have no family to dine with, and have to rely on a soup kitchen for their festive sustenance.

But let us not forget to enjoy the extra seats around the table for the newborn this year.

Let us salute the extra mementoes, like Jacob Goves’ Little Star Award, which demonstrate the best attributes from the county’s brave and bold.

And let us take a moment to review the highs and the lows of a year, which, hard though it has been, has left us all older and wiser.

Most of all, let us remember to tell the people opposite us at the table how much we love them and value their support.

From all here at the Oxford Mail, have a Merry Christmas.