I read in Friday’s Oxford Mail, with some dismay, that Oxford City Council is proposing to raise its already draconian car parking charges.

Let us examine the facts here. Oxford City Council, by rights, should be quite a wealthy organisation. With the rates collected from the university colleges and industry within its boundaries, and the further income from domestic rates, where does the money go?

It is plain that a well managed council with a surely considerable income should be well off financially.

There are no significant council-funded building or investment-hungry projects that spring to mind taking place to absorb substantial funds, so why are we embarking yet again in an annual exercise to soak the motorist? Why do charges have to rise every year?

Oxford is not a welcoming city, for the shopper or the tourist. In fact many go away deflated.

Apart from its fabled spires and famous seat of learning, it has little to endear itself to the visitor, and its motto seems to be ‘pay, pay, pay’.

Even the most basic of facilities, such as toilets, are up for debate. It is disgraceful.

I for one no longer consider Oxford viable for shopping because of its ‘take it or leave it’ attitude to the visitor.

During this festive period I shall once again be shopping elsewhere, where (1) I shall not pay extortionate charges to park my car; (2) be able to use widely available facilities; (3) not have to run the gauntlet as a pedestrian with buses; and (4) not have to deal with a transient student population who are often rude and inconsiderate.

Yes, I shall be shopping in Cheltenham – an altogether much safer environment with a much better feel-good experience, and no thrombosis to the wallet in the car park.

Steve Plant, Thorney Leys, Witney