GEORGE Fenemore, from Deddington, and Dawn Castle, from Epwell, are two of 12 finalists in national competition to find the unsung heroes of the rural church.

The winner is due to be announced tomorrow, and will be presented with a prize by the Archbishop of Canterbury at a special ceremony at Lambeth Palace, in London.

Two runners-up will be given certificates.

More than 100 people were nominated for the award which recognises the effort made by these residents to ensure churches remain the hub of the community.

Ms Castle is churchwarden at St Anne, Epwell, and was nominated for her work with children, including drama and hospitality.

Mr Fenemore, former churchwarden at St Peter and St Paul Church, Deddington, is also a chorister, actor, worker in wrought iron and handyman.

The Bishop of Dorchester, the Rt Rev Colin Fletcher, said: “I’m delighted and proud to hear that Dawn and George have made it through to the final of this prestigious award.

“I am frequently inspired by the people I meet in our churches across Oxfordshire — ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things to help our rural communities to thrive.

“I congratulate them both.”