MEN across the county have been cultivating the finest facial hair they can in a bid to highlight male health problems.

‘Movember’ – a combination of moustache and November – is a month-long celebration of the moustache, highlighting men’s health issues, specifically prostate cancer.

Normally smooth-faced men ditch the razor in a bid to grow as much hair as their top lip can cope with.

Regulars and staff at the Turf Tavern in Oxford raised more than £400 after were challenged by head chef Ewan Mackenzie to grow their best moustaches.

Manager Chuck Berry said: “There has been fantastic support and effort from the ‘Turfie’ team, who have donated all their tips during November and grown some impressive moustaches.

“The support from both our staff and customers has been great.”

Nationally, more than 44,000 people are taking part, raising almost £2.5m.

Five Oxford University lab technicians, based in the Old Road research campus building, dubbed themselves Just so Mo and raised £220.

Organiser Barry Crossman said: “The Mo’s important aim for our team was raising awareness of the importance of prostate cancer.”

Fellow team member Seb Spain added: “The most important factor in cancer treatment is early detection.

“Movember gets people talking about these issues, assuming they don't cross the street when the strange moustachioed man approaches.”

“You might not know what’s wrong but your doctor may be able to put his finger on it.”

Movember has continued to grow each year since it first launched in Australia in 1999.

So far it has raised over £30m globally for the fight against prostate cancer and depression in men.

A spokesman for the Movember Foundation said: “As an organisation, we have a goal to change the attitudes men hold toward their health.

“The moustache is the symbol by which we generate the necessary awareness and funds in order to be able to achieve this ambition.

“It is a simple and effective way to reach our number one objective – awareness – as during Movember, each Mo Bro effectively becomes a walking billboard promoting men’s health.

“Movember will continue to work toward changing established habits and attitudes to make men aware of the health risks they face, thereby increasing early detection, diagnosis and effective treatment.

“We encourage everybody to join us, as every moustache makes a difference.”