I WOULD like to share some of my thoughts in a quiet moment.

Why do we send millions of pounds to help other countries and yet we are unable to look after parts of our own community?

To name just a few – those suffering from kidney cancer.

Some medication can’t be funded – patients have to buy their own courses of treatment for £2-3,000.

This cannot cure, but can extend life, which gives patients longer with their loved ones, and more time during which a cure might be found.

They are told it is too expensive to give on the NHS. Probably, if they were to move to another country, our Government would fall over backwards to supply it and get another pat on the back on the world stage.

Why do we give millions to look after illegal immigrants who pour into our country, who are looked after at the taxpayers' expense and given all they require?

Meanwhile, our kidney cancer sufferers have to fend for themselves.

BILL GOODWIN, Pebble Hill, Radley