A CHARITY for youngsters with mental and physical learning difficulties has been handed the largest donation in its 81-year history.

Ormerod Resource Base received a cheque for £46,500 from golfers at the Oxfordshire Golf Club, near Thame.

Charity coordinator Miles Richards said the amount raised was “fantastic”.

The charity, which helps pupils with autism, physical and communication difficulties, is based at Marlborough School in Woodstock.

It was chosen by club captain Paul Eldridge as the Captain’s Charity for 2009.

Donations were raised through members fines – for “minor misdemeanours of dress and etiquette” – the captain’s charity day, and other fundraising events this year.

Money will be spent on additional therapy and equipment, and a specialist music teacher to broaden the Ormerod’s musical programme.

The teacher will be provided by Oxford-based Soundabout, a charity which aims to help people with complex disabilities communicate and interact with the world around them through music and sound.

Mr Richards said: “It is a tremendous amount of money. I was overwhelmed when I first heard the figure.

“We were absolutely delighted to hear we had been chosen as the club’s charity, but none of us expected this amount of money. We are very grateful.”

The charity is jointly funded by Oxfordshire County Council and donations.

Mr Eldridge said: ”I have personally supported the charity for 15 years but when I became captain of the club I realised I had the chance to raise some more significant funds.

“But not in my wildest dreams did I imagine we would raise this much, which is also the largest amount ever raised for the Captain’s Charity by members.

“It was raised by a mix of large fundraising events, like guessing the number of balls I would lose during my time as captain – which meant I had to number every one I tee’d off with.”

The charity was started by Sir Arthur Latham Ormerod, who was the first full-time medical officer of health for Oxford from 1901 to 1929, and originally cared mainly for TB sufferers, but has evolved over the years to care for the phyical handicapped. The charity was later renamed the Ormerod Resource Base and merged with Marlborough School in 2007.