YOUNG people can’t complain they are not represented in Abingdon, Wantage and the surrounding villages.

Two years ago James McGee was voted in as a 20-year-old on the Vale of White Horse District Council.

And now he has been joined by 21-year-old Julia Bricknell as the new member for Abingdon Dunmore.

It is refreshing to see young people willing to put themselves up for involvement in local government.

The traditional image of a councillor is of a more, how shall we politely put it, senior member of society with time to devote to serving their community.

Long meetings dealing with the minutiae of local planning disputes have, traditionally, not been the sort of thing that attracts the young.

While politics is in Julia’s blood — having studied it and worked part-time for the Women Liberal Democrats — she is prepared to enter at this local level and do her best to make a difference.

We shall watch Julia’s career with interest and we encourage her to work hard at getting those of her age in Abingdon interested in what the council is doing for them.