A Roman Catholic deacon whose cure from a crippling spinal disease after praying to a Victorian cardinal was approved as a miracle by the Vatican begins a six-day visit to Britain today.

Jack Sullivan, from the US diocese of Boston, Massachusetts, will visit Oxford, London and Birmingham, accompanied by his wife Carol.

Mr Sullivan, 70, prayed for the help of the Ven John Henry Newman, a revered 19th century clergyman who famously converted from the Church of England to Catholicism, while suffering intense pain in 2001.

He spoke of how he had been able to walk and had become completely free of pain after the prayer.

Pope Benedict XVI cleared the way for the beatification of Cardinal Newman in July after he recognised the cure as a miracle.

The beatification of Cardinal Newman, who died in 1890, brings him closer to being made England's first non-martyred saint since the Reformation.

Mr Sullivan is expected to visit places connected with the life of Cardinal Newman including Littlemore, near Oxford, where the Cardinal was received into the Catholic Church.