Bad managers usually generate militant unions. If the union hierarchy are reaching beyond their remit then disaster usually results.

Add to the mix a Government which does not seem to either care or know about how to use one of its formerly best-run assets properly, and one appears to have the Royal Mail.

After all, ministers came up with the idea that Royal Mail had to put up its most profitable areas up for competition and then this having been done, the rival uses the original organisation to deliver its goods and proceeds to make a healthy profit from it.

Of course, at the bottom of this column, propping it up, is the poor old postman, who, if my investigations are correct, is being asked to do more and more for less reward.

No wonder the whole thing is going to rack and ruin.

Before it is too late, install someone in charge who believes in service as well as profit.

The current chief executive, who hardly came with a success-laden CV from the Football Association, does not seem the person for the job.

Would it not be possible for Royal Mail employees to become ‘shareholders’ in their business so that productivity ensures that they receive a corresponding reward and also at the same time employ someone to save Royal Mail, restore the aforesaid profitable units to the company again and let the British public relax once more, knowing that they have one of the best if not the best postal service in the world.

Incidentally I am not a postman and do not have any relatives who are.

Chris Payne, Turnpike Road, Caversfield