WHY IS it that whenever anyone questions religious beliefs you get insulting replies?

Alan Bourne is upset (or jealous) that my previous letter (Mail, September 29) was more than 250 words long. That was up to the editor, not me. He obviously thought I had something to say of interest or he would not have published it. In the past many of my letters have been edited, but I have not complained.

While respecting his and Rosemary Walter’s beliefs, they both stated I know nothing about the subject. In fact I probably know more about it than them. I have studied the Bible most of my adult life, as well as books about other religions, but unlike them, with an open mind.

It is a fact that the New Testament as we now know it was not written down until AD 325 at the Council of Nicea (in Greek) by fourth century editors, instigated by Emperor Constantine. Most previous Christian writings having been destroyed or lost.

Since then it has been translated several times in different languages, in English not until the reign of James I, with several errors made during the course of translation.

I suggest they read other books on the subject apart from the Bible. Books like The Jesus Conspiracy by Kersten and Gruber, God by Alexander Waugh, The Jesus Papers by Michael Baigent and The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail. Incidentally Mr Bourne this letter is 245 words long. Happy?

DEREK HONEY Queen Emma’s Dyke Witney