When asked to rustle up a seasonal pudding for me to feature as today’s recipe, Nick Pullen, of Wild Thyme, came up with his English apple pudding, which consists of a miniature tarte Tatin, apple sorbet and apple charlotte, all made from Worcester Pearmains purchased locally.

Unfortunately the combination of little puddings Nick had created called for such complex recipes, we both agreed that this dish would be difficult to write up in the small space allotted to my recipes.

We decided therefore, to show you the photograph I took, which gives you some idea of what Nick’s puddings look like and explain how to create the attractive dried apple garnish.

YOU WILL NEED: One Worcester Pearmain apple Juice of quarter of a lemon 3½ fl oz water 1 tbspn caster sugar.

Method: Cut the tops off the apple, leaving core in and skin on, and slice as thin as possible (no more than 2mm). Ideally you should be able to get 30 wafer-thin slices from one apple if you use a mandolin.

Place the apple slices in a bowl and pour on the lemon juice and set to one side while you bring the water and sugar to the boil in small pan. When boiled pour over the apple slices.

Stir gently to allow the sugar syrup to penetrate apple slices.

Cover with cling film and allow the slices to marinate until cool.

When cool, turn the oven to its lowest setting, drain the syrup from the apple slices and place them next to each other on non-stick trays.

Place in oven and allow to cook slowly for two to three hours, or until the apples have dried. Slide apples from the tray and allow to cool.