Police are appealing for witnesses after £3,000 worth of cigarettes were stolen from a van in Oxford.

The white Mercedes-Benz Sprinter van was parked in Underhill Circus, Barton, where it was making a delivery at about 1.22pm yesterday.

Three men were seen pulling up in another white van, breaking into the delivery van and stealing three boxes of cigarettes before driving off.

One of the men is described as white, 5ft 8in tall, with short ginger hair. He was wearing a light blue T-shirt and blue jeans.

PC Pete Ciechan said: “We believe the van used by the thieves may have been following the delivery driver and knew what the contents of his vehicle were.

“I would urge anyone who saw the incident taking place, or who may have seen the vehicle in the area, to come forward and contact us as soon as possible.”

Anyone with information should contact PC Ciechan via the Thames Valley Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505, or alternatively contact the Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.