THREE brothers have been banned from every football ground in the country after drunkenly clashing with police following an Oxford United match.

Matthew Claridge, 21, and twins Adam and Andrew, both 19, all from Witney, admitted their part in a fracas at Gloucester Green bus station in Oxford on August 22.

They had been drinking before watching United play Stevenage Borough at the Kassam Stadium before heading into the city centre, Oxford Magistrates’ Court heard yesterday.

After being thrown out of the Red Lion pub, they each downed four shots of sambuca in five minutes and staggered to the bus station, swearing at passengers and singing football songs.

When Matthew Claridge, a landscape gardener, was arrested by police after refusing to stop when they ordered him to, he kicked out and hit two officers in the face and chest.

His brother Adam was pinned to the ground by a police dog and officers used CS spray to subdue all three of them, the court heard.

The court issued Football Banning Orders lasting three years.

Caroline Hitchcock, prosecuting, said: “Although this offence took place away from the football stadium, it is the view of police this is a football-related matter.”

The trio would not have been in the city getting drunk and causing trouble if they were not attending the match, she added.

Paul Bevan, defending Andrew, said it was the first time he and his brothers had been to watch Oxford United.

He added: “He had too much to drink.

“It was drunken stupidity. But the relationship between football and the behaviour was coincidental.”

James Reilly, defending Matthew, said: “This is a storm in a tea cup, blown out of all proportion.

“He could have been to a pop concert or a rugby game and still be in the same position – it has nothing to do with football.”

The court heard the brothers were out with other players from AC Finstock, of the Witney and District Football League.

Adam, defending himself, said: “I went out for a laugh with the football lads.”

Andrew plans to join the Army in January, the court heard.

Adam and Andrew, of Apley Way, were fined £150, ordered to pay £100 costs and a £15 victim surcharge and ordered to observe Saturday night curfews for the next six weekends, after admitting a public order offence.

Matthew, of New Yatt Road, was given a 12-month community order to carry out 140 hours of unpaid work and was ordered to pay £100 costs and £175 compensation to the officers he assaulted after admitting a public order offence and two assault charges.

The three-year Football Banning Orders prevent the brothers from attending any match in England and Wales or being in Oxford city centre, Temple Cowley and near the Kassam Stadium on Oxford United matchdays or in the same town or city when the club is playing.

They are also banned from attending international matches and must surrender their passports before England matches and cannot play for FA-affiliated football teams.

Presiding magistrate Jane Davis said: “We are satisfied it will help prevent violence and disorder at football matches.

“We suffer from football violence and this is the way of trying to lessen this.”