TWO business experts have been employed to put Abingdon back on the map as a key shopping centre.

Retail expert Heather Brown and business consultant James White have been set the task of improving the town’s image, helping with local issues and devising ways to attract more visitors.

The duo, working for the Choose Abingdon Partnership, will be responsible for spending £60,000 each year for three years.

The partnership is a business group funded equally by the town, district and county councils. Partnership manager Mrs Brown has owned several shops in market towns previously and is studying for an MA in regeneration.

The 48-year-old said: “There’s a huge spirit in Abingdon and it’s our job to give that a real boost.

“There are problems in the town which are well known, but we have the funding to help put those things right. It’s not going to be easy but we’ve already got such a great base in Abingdon that it’s possible.”

Mr Brown moved to Abingdon last year with his wife Ursula. He said: “We want to put Abingdon on the map.

“At the moment when I tell people I live in Abingdon they ask me where it is – we’re going to change that.”

The pair are currently drawing up an action plan, which will be submitted to the partnership’s November board meeting.