YOU would have thought we would have learned our lesson.

The illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003 was based on fictitious intelligence surrounding weapons of mass destruction and an intention to attack the West.

Now unashamedly and with no regret, presumably flushed by their success, the same powers involved are unbelievably trying to pull the same scam against Iran.

Let’s have a reality check, there’s not the slightest evidence that Iran is trying to produce nuclear weapons, even the so called US Intelligence agrees with me and even more importantly the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Indeed Iran on at least two occasions has called via the United Nations for the whole of the Middle East to be a nuclear-free zone, but unfortunately these plans were thwarted by Israel and the US.

The similarities with Iraq don’t actually stop there, both Iraq and Iran are flush with oil, the difference being Iran still gets to keep all its oil revenue while the majority of Iraq oil revenue is now siphoned off.

Iraq stopped using US dollars for oil transactions in 2000 until being forced to reverse that by the invasion and Iran stopped in 2008.

For the USA’s attempt at world hegemony, support of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency is priority number one.

Now of course we hear in the media that Iran has been caught out by building a second nuclear processing plant and we are told that the USA knew about this “secret” facility at least two years ago. Well one may ask, if this is so serious why has the USA sat on this for two years?

The reality is that Iran has acted totally within its rights and under the regulations of the IAEA to build this facility on the condition that they advised the IAEA before six months of the completion date. Iran actually advised them 18 months before.

Besides, let’s be serious, even if Iran did want nuclear weapons what exactly would they do with them? Attack Israel or Europe and be immediately wiped out by a torrent of incoming nuclear bombs? I think not.

Reality is, Iran hasn’t actually attacked another country for at least 200 years, whilst the countries making the most noise tend to do that every two years or so.

R LEE, Burford Road, Witney