DEREK Honey’s letter (Oxford Mail, September 29) appears so angry. What has any religion done to upset him? Except of course to have existed in the first place.

We all know that Philip Pullman gets great pubicity for his books when letters are written about him but what does Derek get when he vents his anger in such a way?

He obviously doesn’t understand anything about Christianity, and in fact is very lucky he hasn’t criticised Islam.

If living in Iraq or Iran, he could be executed for just holding those views let alone voicing them.

As a practising Christian, I don’t recognise the points he brings up.

Perhaps he should examine his subject before voicing off in the public domain. Having said that, he might even ‘convert’ to Christianity if he studied it seriously.

Meanwhile Derek, please don't write about things you know nothing about. I will remember you in my prayers, and hope God gives you some peace.

ROSEMARY WATERS, The Willows, Culham,