ART made from everyday household items is the subject of a new exhibition at the Modern Art Oxford gallery.

Principles Of Admitting (Detail) 2009 features models and artwork made from powder paint, sugar paper, spray tan, chalk, concealer stick and lipstick.

The exhibition, which is free to enter, is the biggest yet for Glasgow-based artist Karla Black.

A gallery spokesman said: “Embodying a precarious fragility, Black’s twisted and taut forms are as much a reference to minimal and conceptual practices of the late 60s as they are to a classical sculptural tradition.

“Her work is created from materials that evoke both a sensory recollection of infant learning, like powder paint, crushed chalk and sugar paper, and those of a distinct feminine association, including lipstick, nail varnish and blusher.”

The exhibition runs until November 29.

Pictured with one of Miss Black’s pieces are Sara Dewsbery and Charlotte Grettan, who work at the gallery in Pembroke Street.