A ROW has erupted between Bicester Town Council and a twinning association, amid allegations of political interference.

Labour councillor Les Sibley and Liberal Democrat Nick Cotter, have resigned from Bicester and District Twinning Association’s committee as its town council representatives.

Eight people have resigned since May, including chairman John Clutterbuck.

The latest resignations follow the signing of a new twinning charter with Czernichow, in Poland.

Mr Clutterbuck, who said the council interfered with plans for the event, has set up rival Bicester Community Twinning Association, which is developing links in Italy, Crete and Austria.

As a result, Mr Clutterbuck’s group was sent a solicitor’s letter. He said: “They want us to avoid the words ‘twinning’ or ‘Bicester’. “The letter said we have been passing ourselves off as the old twinning association, but I’m trying to distance myself from them and the council.”

Both Mr Cotter and Mr Sibley claim that, since they were elected to the committee, neither had been told about meetings or given minutes.

Mr Cotter said: “The Conservative leadership of the town council was looking to hog the limelight, rather than it being run by the district twinning association and the town council in support.”

Mr Sibley said: “The town council should play a supportive role in twinning, not try to dominate it.”

David Buxton, acting chairman of Bicester and District Twinning Association, said: “I reject any accusation or comment that Bicester and District Twinning Association is run by the town council. It is a supporting entity.”

Conservative town councillor James Porter, also Bicester’s mayor, added: “It is ridiculous to suggest the town council has or would want to take over the Bicester and District Twinning Association and the idea that it is being politicised by the town council is a fantasy.”

Bicester is also twinned with Neunkirchen Seel-scheid, in Germany, and Canton des Essarts, in France.
