If standards have fallen at St Christopher’s Primary and Oxford Secondary School it is council leader Keith Mitchell (Oxford Mail, August 13) who is to blame.

The Education Authority responsible for schools in Oxford is none other than the Tory-run county council, which he leads.

As newly-elected Labour county councillors for East Oxford and Isis we are appalled by the way parents, teachers and students have been ignored at these community-centred and improving schools.

Jean Fooks is absolutely right. The county council is confusing these issues by wanting to close St Christopher’s and force the children into a bizarre four-19 year-olds’ academy.

The county Tories are off-loading any challenging schools in Oxford, instead of putting in the additional teachers and the cash to give our city’s children the education they deserve.

This is despite an extra £20m given to Oxfordshire by the Labour Government this year for new school buildings.

No wonder the county lost its four star status, partly because of poor educational achievement.

When shocked St Christopher’s parents took their complaints to the county council cabinet last month, Mr Mitchell refused to listen.

Instead of looking at every possible option, the Tory county council has jumped for another academy without any consultation, and with very little thought.

To close St Christopher’s – a popular local school – when all Oxford’s primary schools are bursting at the seams, is downright irresponsible.

To force Oxford School into the arms of the Church of England, United Learning Trust, as sponsor, when up to half the students are Muslim, is bizarre.

Mr Mitchell’s sole driving force would appear to be to save money in Oxford and spend it in the Tory-voting rural areas instead.

Labour wants St Christopher’s kept open, and every option properly considered to improve exam results for every student at Oxford School.

Councillor Saj Malik Emperor Gardens Councillor John Tanner Sunningwell Road Oxford