FOR five years Fiona Scott has struggled with alcoholism.

But after seeking help from Witney’s drug and alcohol service, Mrs Scott, 52, is feeling positive about her rehabilitation.

She said: “It’s so well run and it makes you feel hopeful.”

Mrs Scott, of Long Hanborough, is just one of more than 900 people in Oxfordshire helped by SMART drug and alcohol service.

And on Tuesday, the service took over the reins of Witney’s drop-in centre at Marlborough House, in Marlborough Lane.

It has been run for the past four years by Cranstoun, but SMART aims to extend the help already offered to both addicts and their families.

Darren Worthington, SMART’s chief executive, said: “Our aim is to provide drug and alcohol interventions that are accessible to all, regardless of their location or need.

“To achieve this we will be reaching out to all communities in Oxfordshire – particularly those with growing or hidden substance misuse problems – with a range of innovative services that support the individual throughout their journey towards a life that’s free of drug and alcohol use.”

Chief Inspector Jack Malhi, local police area commander for West Oxfordshire, added: “Although there is not a big drug problem in West Oxfordshire, Witney and the surrounding area do have instances of drug and alcohol abuse.

“Services such as those provided by SMART enable the effective management of drug and alcohol abuse and provide a valuable service to the community.”

Mrs Scott has attended Alcoholics Anonymous for five years and was referred to Marlborough House in April.

She said: “I think it’s a really good service and we’re really lucky to have it. There are more councillors and they offer more group sessions.

“Before that we had to go to Cowley Road for those sessions.

“AA is really good but this complements it. It’s good to have a different slant on it and to meet people with the same problem.”

As part of SMART’s takeover, the rooms used by the drug and alcohol service have been refurbished and more drop-in and group sessions are now held, along with one-to-one support.

There is also a new alcohol service for advice, information, support and treatment and a dedicated family and carers support service.

Simon Hayday, enhanced prolific priority offender worker, will use the facilities for one-to-one work with clients.

He said: “I feel this is going to help people in all sorts of ways.

“There’s all sorts going on out there to help the substance or alcohol addict move on from their addiction. It’s a safe place they can go and get a lot of help.”

Jill Dunsmore, West Oxfordshire District Council’s cabinet member for communities, said: “The extended services will be accessible to all who have problems with substance misuse and that great benefit will be felt by families, friends and carers.”

The Witney open access drop-in runs on Mondays from 11am to 1pm.

For more information about SMART, call 01993 774892 or visit and click on Oxfordshire Drug and Alcohol Services.