The recent weird weather — with intense heat followed by torrential downpours — has brought slugs and snails out in their droves. The pests have been attacking annuals, lettuces and other crops before we have had time to enjoy them.

Of course, the damage inflicted by slugs and snails is usually at its worst in late spring when young plants are vulnerable, but even at this time of year they can munch through leaves and decimate established plants.

So, take action before it is too late. Here are some tips to help control slugs and snails, particularly after heavy downpours.

■ Place rings of sharp grit around your plants, which will damage their underbellies and deter them.

Some people use shallow frames of chicken wire with the sharp end just sticking out of the ground, which does the same job.

■ Use broken eggshells for the same technique, but mix them with dry bran, which absorbs the moisture slugs and snails need for mobility.

■ Make traps from plastic containers, sinking them into the soil near susceptible plants with the rim 2.5cm above the surface, and fill them with beer.

Empty and refill regularly.

■ Go on a slug patrol at night with a torch, a bucket of salted water and gloves, and pick off all those you see. Check plants while the pests are feeding and drop them in the salty water. Once they are dead, drain the water and empty them onto the compost heap.

■ Keep your garden free of hiding places — clear away piles of leaves or other rotting vegetation, removing them to a compost heap.

■ Try to encourage natural predators to keep the slug and snail population down. Frogs and toads feed on slugs, while some birds such as thrushes gorge on snails.

■ Hoe regularly from the start of the growing season. Slug and snail eggs are small and white, usually appearing in clusters. If worked to the surface they will die in the sun or be eaten by predators.

■ Place plants you are willing to lose alongside crops you really want to save, as slugs and snails will usually go for the easy target and may miss your more valuable plants.

■ Place copper tapes around pots, which send out a tiny electric charge to deter slugs and snails climbing up the outside of them. Placing pots on metal stands can also make it more difficult for them to climb.

■ Use a biological control to limit numbers, which is especially effective for killing small slugs that live under the soil. The name of the microscopic nematodes is Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita, which are watered onto the ground and will have to be reapplied every six weeks.

■ Use slow-release fertilisers, as these do not produce soft growth — which is more attractive to slugs.

■ Keep digging over the soil in winter and spring.

Any cultivation of the soil will help to disturb slugs and may bring them to the surface, where they can be eaten by predators.

■ Plant species that slugs don't like, including hardy cranesbill geraniums, hydrangea, potentilla, lavatera and plants with hairy or narrow leaves.