Sir – Re the flights from Kidlington (Letters, July 30). Oxford can never be a ‘Luton’ as the runway is far too short for the medium-sized jet aircraft.

In fact the flying at Kidlington has reduced dramatically over the last few years, and the small amount of passenger flights envisaged could in fact save many car journeys to and from the larger airports.

The taxiing of aircraft at major airports like Gatwick, Birmingham and Southampton requires six to ten times the distance further than at Oxford.

This adds up to a reduction in pollution and will potentially create much-needed jobs for local people.

The flight my wife and I went on from Oxford to Jersey recently was completely hassle-free and the needs of diasbled passengers were dealt with in an efficient and friendly manner, plus I was treated as a VIP which I am, (Visually Impaired Person).

A. J. Clark, Milton-under Wychwood