A parish clerk has put down her pen for the final time, after more than a quarter of a century at the forefront of village life.

Gill Lester has been clerk to Chalgrove Parish Council since 1982.

During her 27 years in the post, she has been instrumental in organising the building of facilities like the village hall and skate park.

She got a grip on the technology, mastering the transition from typewriters and carbon copies to computer spreadsheets and ditched a cupboard for a purpose-built office.

Mrs Lester, 65, of Farm Close, Chalgrove, said: “When I first started, it was only four hours a week, which was wonderful and it fitted around having children and I worked from home.

“Gradually the job was extended and it became full-time, as the Government decided to make parish councils more accountable for things.”

She added: “I liked finding out what’s happening in the village and talking to people and finding out what they want, and how we can make things better.”

Ken Batley, vice chairman of the council, said: “Gill is a veritable jewel in Chalgrove’s treasure chest.”