Sir – We’ve got a noticeboard at the Pullens Lane allotments, which contains a list of all the bird species we allotmenteers spot when we’re working on our plots.

It’s pretty impressive, and includes species from wrens to owls.

However, there’s one bird we haven’t got yet.

The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds’ nests and the baby cuckoo grows and grows until it is a giant compared to its poor foster parents.

The huge fledgling squawks and opens its vast gape, and demands ever-increasing amounts of food.

It also kicks its tiny foster siblings out of the nest until it’s got all the space and all the attention for itself. So, no, we haven’t got a cuckoo on our list yet.

But I can’t help thinking there’s something about the bird that reminds me of Brookes University. I wonder how that could be?

Duncan Brewer, Oxford