Sir – So we now have new bus stops. Now there are no stops between Magdalen Street, High Street and New Road. For some time, walking Cornmarket has been like travelling the wrong way through the London Marathon. Now Queen Street too.

Unfortunately, some of us still need to use city buses to get to work.

Are people going to walk through the city centre carrying bags of shopping to the new park-and-ride stop in New Road where there is no room to queue (assuming that queuing still existed)?

Many shops have closed already through hyper-rents. Many more will close because of hypo-custom.

Most Oxford people who have thought this through are now travelling regularly to other towns to shop, where they can be sure of a park-and-ride parking space at any time of day and a public transport system run with the needs of the users in mind.

Oxford is certainly being transformed — into a ghost city, suitable only for seasonal visitors who are prepared to walk.

When they lose interest, perhaps the cunning plan is to flatten the city centre and build an eco-city with no cars, no buses, no shops — and no people.

Mandy Hasco, Oxford