With the debate on Afghanistan continuing in your pages and in the media, I would be interested to know why politicians and some of your correspondents, unlike the majority of people, think this disastrous campaign is right or indeed, winnable.

The established media are losing the propaganda battle despite a furious push to war, as the majority can see through this puerile attempt to convince us otherwise.

For example, there was one item on Central television news, with every participant stating the war was right, again forgetting the vast majority of us who believe the opposite.

We attacked Afghanistan in retaliation for the 9/11 attacks in the US. Then we were told we were going after Bin Laden.

That changed to restricting the opium trade, something that has failed miserably, as the crops this year are bigger than ever.

Now we are told, we are fighting to protect our streets from terrorism. What absolute nonsense.

Even if we could win in Afghanistan, are we expected to believe there will no more terrorist attacks? I would just like to remind people, history is against us.

Previous military campaigns have ended in disaster for the British, on more than one occasion. The Soviets as a super power with 600,000 men couldn’t do it, nor could the old Russian empire before them.

This war will end up with a political conclusion.

Apparently we are already talking to the Taliban – they are the Afghan people, by the way.

To support our troops I’d have them in the best equipment, living in decent accommodation and given the best medical treatment, when required.

Ultimately, I wouldn’t put them in immoral unwinnable conflicts, to fight politicians’ wars.

Why should our troops be maimed and killed to serve our US masters? Bush and Blair have gone.

I just wish politicians, the media and other warmongers, from the comfort of their homes and offices, would think before they support this war, happily spilling the blood of somebody else’s son or daughter.

They all lied about Iraq, and we are just getting more of the same lies, about Afghanistan.

Bring them home!

Tim W Siret Evans Road Eynsham Witney