It might have taken many decades, but finally Oxford scientist Dr Norman Heatley will get his moment in the sun tomorrow.

Many think the discovery of Penicillin was solely down to Alexander Fleming.

Actually, the transformation of the mould into a life-saving drug was the work of a group of Oxford scientists including Dr Heatley, who passed away in 2004.

While the rest of the group that worked on the Penicillin project in laboratories in South Parks Road were honoured with the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1945, Dr Heatley missed out.

Tomorrow, in a BBC 4 documentary, Mr Heatley’s important but hitherto largely unrecognised work, will be addressed in a programme called Breaking the Mould: The Story of Penicillin.

For Dr Heatley’s widow, Mercy, it is something she has been quietly waiting many years to see.

The only trouble is that she might well miss the programme altogether.

Mercy, 87, of Oxford Road, Old Marston, doesn’t receive digital television and is searching for somewhere where she can watch her husband’s moment in the spotlight.

We hope she is able to tune in.