With Oxford City Council finding itself in a hole, financially speaking, the idea of sponsoring a pothole might not be as daft as it sounds.

Anyone who spends much time driving will know how infuriating it is when a car jolts over a gaping hole in the road. And we have our fair share here in Oxford.

It’s even worse if you are a cyclist.

The responsibility for repairing those niggling gaps, cracks and, in some cases, craters on minor roads in Oxford rests with the city council. And no-one needs reminding that money is not awash at the Town Hall.

Now an idea has emerged to sponsor some of these potholes and help the city council, well...out of a hole.

The idea would see companies and individuals contributing towards the cost of repairing broken roads. In turn they could receive advertising in the shape of a notice on the verge.

Ironically, perhaps, one of the first companies on board is Cowley-based Tyreryte, which has expressed an interest in contributing.

But with Oxford City Council already levying one of the highest council tax charges in the country we think we know what most people’s response to this idea will be.

Probably something along the lines of ‘on your bike’.