POSTMAN Gordon Davies is shedding the pounds for his rounds by getting his garden shipshape for this year’s Oxford in Bloom competition.

Mr Davies, 53, of Prior’s Forge on the Templar Road estate, in North Oxford, has been winning prizes in the contest since he first entered in 2003.

This year he has been filling his garden with fushcias – his favourite flowers – and working on his allotment next to Cutteslowe Park.

Father-of-four Mr Davies, who lives with his wife Linda, said: “The hard work in the garden has definitely paid off, because over the past couple of months I have slimmed down from 14 stone 3lb to 12 stone 6lb.

“My wife wants me to slim down to 10-and-a-half stone, the weight I was more than 20 years ago, but I think that might be pushing it a bit.

“Working in the garden and down the allotment also keeps me fit for my round in Thame.

“I love taking part in Oxford in Bloom and I have been highly commended and won cups in a number of different categories over the years.

“This year the categories I’m entering are small front garden, small back garden, hanging baskets, attractive window box and best kept terrace. I think the contest encourages people to take pride in their neighbourhood and I always encourage my neighbours to take part too.

“Some of them say they just like doing their gardens for the sake of gardening but I think as many people as possible should enter the competition — they will definitely get a lot out of it.”

The contest is organised by Oxford in Bloom and backed by the Oxford Mail.

The closing date for entries is July 10. The winners will be announced at a presentation evening at the Roman Way Sports and Social Club, in Cowley, on September 17.