THIS IS the first time in over 30 years of living in this area that I have felt strong enough about a safety related topic to go into print.

The problem of Automatic Illuminating Speed Signs needs addressing.

Although this area is already overpopulated with various types of fixed and mobile speed cameras, there is now a welcome trend towards the less aggressive, (and usually much more safety related locations), of these Automatic Speed Indicating Signs (ASIS).

In my opinion, drivers and riders enter speed restricted zones at excessive speed either because they are insufficiently concentrating on the road ahead, or (and hopefully, this is the minority) because these people have decided that speed limits are for wimps, older drivers, learners, in fact anyone except them.

Normal people probably cannot remain totally alert for long periods, so they will surely welcome a reminder, rather than a mindless robot that issues fixed penalties irrespective of actual road conditions.

Usually, if there is an ASIS, there is not an actual camera within miles and the roadhogs are fully aware of this. Therefore they speed through villages with relative impunity, putting other road users at increased risk of death or serious injury.

No doubt these mindless idiots would be the first to complain bitterly if a child (or grandchild) of theirs were to suffer as a result of someone else’s stupidity.

I would like to see a real speed camera sited about 150 metres on from every ASIS.

Furthermore, these extra cameras should not be advertised either, people have had their reminder with the ASIS, so if they chose to ignore it and put others lives at risk, then they deserve whatever penalty is deemed appropriate.

I was born in 1932 and am about to become a great grandad, but that does not mean I am an old fuddy duddy who crawls along upsetting all those behind me.

The Institute of Advanced Motorists taught me that I should drive sensibly, making good progress whenever road and weather conditions permit, so I usually drive at or very close to the appropriate limit within those considerations. I would have no valid excuse to offer if I was stopped for speeding and I very much doubt if anyone else would either.

Yes, I am a normal human being and received one SP30 some six or seven years ago.

I still drive around 16-20,000 miles a year and have been very fortunate, only ever suffering bent metal, never incurring or causing personal injury, so far.

MIKE BROWN, Wallingford