GET planting and fill your flowerbeds with colour — that was the message at the launch of this year’s Oxford in Bloom.

The annual competition, which attracts about 600 entries every year, began at Templars Square shopping centre in Cowley on Saturday.

Organisers showed off hanging baskets and told shoppers about the 15 residential and business categories, which include best-kept small front garden, most beautiful balcony and under-11 planter.

John Alcock, a judge for 20 years, said: “There has been a lot of interest so far. Oxford in Bloom tries to brighten up the city to make it a better place to live in and give people community pride.”

Fellow judge Trisha Stevens said: “We got more than 600 entries last year and it has been running for 85 years so it’s really well established.

“It’s very therapeutic and hopefully we are going to have a decent summer, which is good for the flowers and good for the people who want to get involved.

“We are also trying to encourage the children because they are the next generation of gardeners.”

Harry Robinson, who first entered the competition in 1987 and then became a judge, said: “We want to encourage people to enjoy their gardens and have a colourful display.

“If you get one person in a street who goes to the trouble to take part ,it has a knock-on effect.”

The launch event also featured a display from the Pathway Workshop, a charity based in Blackbird Leys which helps adults with physical and learning disabilities make handmade wooden garden furniture and wildlife products.

As part of Oxford in Bloom, the charity has agreed to put up wooden plant containers in Templars Square.

Oxford East MP Andrew Smith, who attended the launch, said: “It’s a wonderful initiative that gives the whole city the chance to show off its gardening skills and make the place look really nice.”

The competition is open to organisations and individuals within the city boundary and the closing date for entries is July 10.

The closing date for schools is July 1. For more details and the full list of categories visit