A CHOCOLATE fountain, cookery demonstrations and smoothie workshops helped visitors to Blenheim Palace get a taste of local arts and crafts.

The three-day Art, Design and a Taste of Summer show at the palace in Woodstock included stalls from more than 100 craft and cookery experts.

Rachel Ducker is pictured with one of her works fashioned out of wire.

Show spokesman Jan Lasnon said about 20,000 people had visited the event, which began on Saturday and ended today.

She said: “We have been blessed with the weather, which always makes a huge difference. We have seen a lot of happy people. I think everyone that has been here has been very pleased with it.”

The show also featured jazz music, a steel band, a sculpture exhibition, a marquee featuring chocolate pizzas and truffle-making demonstrations, and a jewellery workshop.

Pensioner Rosemary Ramsden, of Bicester, said: “It is a good opportunity for youngsters.”

Her daughter Helen Ramsden, of Northamptonshire, added: “The children have had a wonderful time.”