A KEEN horse rider plans to swap her saddle for walking boots when she takes on the challenge of a lifetime to climb Africa’s highest mountain.

Michelle Allen, 24, will battle freezing temperatures, snow, fog and altitude sickness to climb 5,895 metres up Mount Kilimanjaro.

She hopes to raise £4,000 for Marie Curie — a charity that is close to her heart.

Every year Michelle, her mother Yvonne and sister Zoe organise a darts match in memory of her father, Jim, who died in 2004 of asbestosis poisoning aged just 55. Miss Allen, of Barry Avenue, Bicester, said: “My dad played darts for Oxfordshire and our family annually raises money for Marie Curie through a memorial darts match.

“Every year we try to think of ways to raise that extra bit of money.

“This year I just wanted to do something else to raise money and at the same time take on a personal challenge that I know my dad would be proud of.”

Miss Allen, who works for EP Barrus as a motorbike customer service clerk, said she is already fairly fit but plans to do plenty of hill-walking to prepare.

Miss Allen will join 24 other people from across the country for the Kilimanjaro expedition in June, 2010.

Her first fundraising event – in a year-long series of events – was a quiz night at the White Lion, Fewcott, last Saturday and will be followed by a summer barbecue and raffle in July, and the annual memorial darts match in October due to take place at the Highfield Social Club, George Street.

For more information or to sponsor Miss Allen visit justgiving.com/michelleallen4