THE Bishop of Dorchester gave away hot cross buns in Bicester today as part of the Oxford diocese’s Easter celebrations.

The Rt Rev Colin Fletcher was in Sheep Street for about an hour on Maundy Thursday.

He was joined by Canon Theresa Scott, the town’s team rector, as well as volunteers from Bicester churches.

Maundy Thursday is the Christian feast or holy day falling on the Thursday before Easter, which commemorates the Last Supper.

The Bishop said: “Hot cross buns are right at the heart of our Easter celebrations.

“They’re also a wonderful reminder of the Easter story.

“The cross on the bun represents the cross on which Jesus died, the spices suggest the spices used to anoint the dead, and the yeast that makes the buns rise reminds us that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.

“Giving this small gift to shoppers is a simple way of celebrating our Christian heritage and sharing our faith.”

Children will be rolling Easter eggs down a hill at Shotover Country Park, Old Road, Headington, tomorrow between 1pm and 3.30pm. Participants are invited to bring a painted hard-boiled egg. Registration, costing £2 per egg, is between 1pm and 2pm.

Meanwhile, the Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Rev John Pritchard, will give out Easter eggs in Cornmarket Street, in the city centre, at 11.30am on Saturday.