Police have urged residents in south Oxfordshire to keep their homes secure after a spate of linked burglaries.

A camera was stolen from a house in Great Milton on Saturday, March 21, and burglars snapped a window latch to break into a house in Cuddesdon on Monday, March 30.

Burglars also got inside a house in Postcombe after forcing through a rear window sometime between March 25 and 29 March.

Burglars also stole a DVD player and other electrical items from a house in Sycamore Road, Watlington, overnight on Monday, March 23.

Dc Ian D’Angeli said: “I suspect these burglaries could be linked and I’m keen to catch those responsible.

“The thieves seem to be going to the rear of the property and breaking their way in by forcing open a window.

“I would urge anyone who may have seen suspicious activity in the area to contact the police.”

Residents are being advised not to leave windows or doors insecure, fit an alarm, use timer switches and ask neighbours to be vigilant of away on holiday.

Anyone with information should call Dc D'Angleli on 08458 505505 or Crimestopeprs on 0800 555111.