THE music of an Oxfordshire band has been picked to feature in the eagerly awaited come back of a cult science-fiction TV programme.

Red Dwarf, which first aired in 1988, will return to the screens after nine years.

And Tropical State, a track by the Response Collective, from Lewknor, was picked by the show’s creator to play in one of the scenes.

The band, comprising guitarist/producer Russell Leak, ‘turntablist’ Gary O’ Brien, known as FireProof Skratch Duck, and keyboard player and bassist Selina Gibsone said they owed their debut TV gig to a friend who works for the show.

Mr Leak, 37, from Lewknor, said: “Our friend is a make-up artist who worked on the original show and was working on the specials.

“She suggested to someone that our music would be good for the programme.

“Then Doug Naylor, the director, listened to it and decided it would be perfect for a montage scene.

“It’s great to think our music will be heard by thousands of people.

“We are just a weird little band from Oxford, what more can you ask?”

The band, who describe their music as a mix between Pink Floyd, DJ Shadow and Massive Attack, attended the premiere at London’s Mayfair Hotel on Wednesday.

Selina, 32, from Watlington, a long-time fan of the series, said she was excited at the thought of hearing her music on one of her favourite shows.

She added: “I am hoping we will watch the programme together as a band, and maybe get a few people around, although we are sworn to secrecy about what is going to happen in the specials.”

The new programmes catch up with the crew, Rimmer, played by Chris Barrie, Lister, played by Craig Charles, Kryten, played by Robert Llewellyn, and Cat, played by Danny John-Jules.

The specials, on UK Digital channel Dave, air at 9pm in three half hour episodes, tonight, tomorrow (the episode featuring the band) and Sunday.