Sir – I write again to urge a more systematic approach to Transforming Oxford, as proposed by the county council and much discussed by correspondents in your columns.

One clear problem is that the exercise of reorganising the city centre’s transport does not appear to benefit from any information about what visitors to Oxford think about the current situation and what they would like to see happen. We intend to rectify this by asking visitors to Oxford (in a survey) what they think and presenting this to the council planners.

The council is determined to nibble at the problem without ever determining what their final solution might look like. This makes it impossible to comment constructively as no one ever knows how the ideas contribute to achieving the larger goal: we call on the council to publish its complete solution for public consultation before continuing.

Planning sensibly for the future means working effectively with the bus companies and the city council.

The only way this can be achieved is by invoking a Quality Partnership Scheme which can make possible the planning of routes, provision of information and proper ticketing arrangements.

Possibly with some influence over the main players in the transportation mix, the council could move ahead and even consider an electric shuttle system, which is now so badly needed to protect our city centre while allowing people to move around freely.

Sam Clarke, Oxford Friends of the Earth, Oxford