TWO friends are gearing up to drive to Spain in an old banger to raise money for Wantage Community Hospital.

Mark Bond – pictured left with hospital fundraiser Wendy Jeffs – and Stephen Carr have bought a £50 Mazda 626 for their Bangers and Trash rally adventure, from the French port of Calais to Almeria, in Spain.

The duo, who were given the entry number of 118, have named themselves the 118,118 team, as seen on television adverts and will don wigs, shorts, T-shirts and fake moustaches.

Mr Bond, of Godfrey Close, Grove, and Mr Carr, of Meadows Close, Grove, will travel to Calais on Tuesday, April 22.

The teams taking part in the event will begin their journey the following day.

They will drive 1,600 miles, taking in Marvejols, Andorra, Murcia and finishing in Almeria, on Saturday, April 25.

Mr Bond said he was getting exciting about the four-day banger bonanza.

The 45-year-old said the pair were doing the challenge for two reasons.

He said: “Firstly, it sounded like a really good adventure and secondly, we wanted to raise money for a local charity.

“The Wantage Community Hospital is close to our hearts.

“Everybody knows someone who has been in hospital and my son Connor was born there.”

The Bangers and Trash rally involves participants buying a car for less than £200.

They have to paint it, give it a theme and make sure it is roadworthy and passes an MoT test.

Mr Bond said they had bought their burgundy car for £50 and had spent the remaining £150 sprucing it up with white 118 markings He said: “We bought the car from a family member who was going to scrap it.

“Abingdon graphics company Scorpion has done all the graphics for us, for which we are extremely grateful.

Mr Carr added: “This will be a great opportunity for Stephen and myself to meet other teams from across the country.

“It will be quite a journey in a car that cost next to nothing. Fingers crossed we make it.”

Mr Bond and Mr Carr will take it in turns to get behind the wheel.

They are aiming to raise at least £1,000 for the hospital, in Garston Lane.

Picture: Steve Wheeler