Comedy/Drama/Romance. Bill Nighy, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rhys Ifans, Nick Frost, Chris O’Dowd, Tom Wisdom, Rhys Darby, Will Adamsdale, Tom Brooke, Tom Sturridge, Kenneth Branagh, Jack Davenport, Emma Thompson.

Ever since Hugh Grant and his floppy fringe bumbled through Four Weddings And A Funeral, screenwriter Richard Curtis hasn’t just been taking the nation’s romantic pulse – he’s been encouraging it to race out of control.

Wet Wet Wet laid siege to the top of the UK charts thanks to Curtis’ popular blend of sentimentality and earthy humour, followed up five years later by the fairy-tale amour of Notting Hill, starring Julia Roberts.

In Christmas 2003, we swooned to the multi-faceted Love Actually, which Curtis also directed, his third collaboration with lucky talisman Grant.

Now, the writer-director takes the helm for this nostalgic tale of friendship between the members of a pirate radio station, broadcasting from the North Sea in the mid-60s.

His favourite leading man is nowhere to be seen, nor for that matter, are the big laughs and gooey outpourings of longing.

The year is 1966, a golden era for rock & roll in this country, but BBC radio plays a mere 45 minutes of pop music a day.

Thus, about 25 million listeners tune into pirate radio stations, which devotes every waking (and sleeping) minute to music.

One such station is Radio Rock, under the captainship of Quentin (Nighy).

The DJs are a motley crew of misfits with one thing in common: a passion for vinyl.

They include star deejay Gavin (Ifans), American rival The Count (Hoffman), sarcastic and cruel Dave (Frost), love sick Simon (O’Dowd), sex god Midnight Mark (Wisdom), goofy Angus ‘The Nut’ Nutsford (Darby), newsreader On-The-Hour John (Adamsdale) and the aptly named Thick Kevin (Brooke).

Quentin’s godson Carl (Sturridge), who has recently been expelled from school, joins Radio Rock for the summer, in the hope that he might mend his ways.

Instead, the youngster embarks on a quest to track down his biological father, who could be one of the crew members.

Meanwhile, back in London, government minister Dormandy (Branagh) explores every legal loophole to shut down the pirate radio stations, with the help of his protege (Davenport).

The Boat That Rocked certainly rocks and rolls to a thumping soundtrack which includes The Beach Boys, Jeff Beck, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones and The Who.

However, the script springs a leak early on as Curtis attempts to juggle too many thinly-sketched characters and gradually loses ballast under the weight of its own unfulfilled ambition.

As usual, Nighy pilfers most of the chuckles as a dapper man of loose morals who views Carl’s expulsion for smoking cigarettes and drugs as “spectacular!”

The running joke about the name of Dormandy’s underling grows weary very quickly, made worse by Branagh’s theatrics as the pantomime villain.

Subtlety tumbles overboard as the battle between government and Radio Rock intensifies, culminating in a bizarre action-oriented finale reminiscent of Titanic, albeit on a budget.