Police today seized drugs paraphanalia from a Ladygrove flat in the sixth raid in the Didcot and Wallingford areas in three weeks.

At dawn, seven police officers swooped on flats at the former Ashbury Medical Centre in Trent Road, Didcot, searching for Class-A drugs, including heroin and cocaine.

Instead, they found two ‘bongs’ and a pipe — equipment commonly used to smoke Class-A drugs — but no drugs.

No arrests were made.

Sgt Fraser Weller, of Didcot police, said: “We didn’t find any controlled substances, we seized paraphanalia.

“It wasn’t hidden, it was just in the room.

“We had information that a man was dealing Class-A substances, we don’t know where the intelligence comes from, we just act on it.

“It’s not just about seizures, it’s about reassuring the community and the public and it’s about disruption.

“Results aren’t always about arrests and prosecutions, it’s about sending the message that drugs wreck lives.

“There is no evidence to show he was dealing in this house, but that is not to say it’s not going on.

“There is evidence to show there is drugs use.”