In partnership with Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Council, Oxford Philomusica are launching the first in a series of Family Concerts conceived with younger listeners in mind. The Mad Hatter’s Musical Tea Party, at Oxford Town Hall on Sunday at 3pm, is a key part of Oxford Philomusica’s mission to make music accessible to a wide population. It will give new audiences the chance to experience a live orchestra within a fun and stimulating environment.

Presenter Alasdair Malloy (pictured) transforms into the Mad Hatter for this event. Through the music the audience will meet Alice and encounter the Cheshire Cat, as well as hearing plenty of mad music including the Mad Hatter’s Maddest Musical Moment.There will also be Looney Limericks. The audience is invited to write some limericks and the best ones will be read out with musical accompaniment from the orchestra.

Director, Marios Papadopoulos says: “This is an important new initiative for the Oxford Philomusica, inviting the local community to engage with the city’s professional orchestra in bringing music closer to young people and their families. I urge people to come along with children/grandchildren to enjoy what promises to be an exhilarating experience for all involved.”

For tickets call 01865 305305.