A HOLLYWOOD film of the Alice in Wonderland stories is expected to boost Oxford’s tourist trade when it is screened next year.

Tim Burton is making the movie, which is expected to reach British cinemas in April next year.

The film boasts a strong cast, with Johnny Depp playing the Mad Hatter and Anne Hathaway the White Queen.

Also appearing are Michael Sheen, the star of current hit The Damned United, and comedians Stephen Fry and Matt Lucas.

Mr Burton and his wife, actress Helena Bonham Carter, who will also appear in the film, own a home in Sutton Courtenay.

But it is the unmistakable skyline of Oxford that will feature heavily in the film.

City councillor Colin Cook, who has responsibility for the city centre, welcomed news of the movie and added: “The Golden Compass, the film of one of Philip Pullman’s books, brought people to the city and I’m sure the Alice film will have the same effect.”

Lewis Carroll’s real name was Charles Dodgson and he was a maths scholar at Christ Church.

He based Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and Alice through the Looking Glass (1871) on Alice Liddell — the daughter of the dean of Christ Church.