THE news that three district councils in Oxfordshire are not offering free swimming for children and OAPs will surprise many. South Oxfordshire, West Oxfordshire and the Vale councils said they were not going to follow the lead of Oxford and open up their pools. In February 2006, just three months before an election and in what some thought was a sweetner for the electorate, Oxford City Council pledged £375,000 to allow youngsters free entry to indoor and outdoor pools.Yesterday free swimming was offered to OAPs. The children’s scheme meant parents from outside the city rubbed their hands with glee, as free swimming in Oxford was not just for those living in the city. Many came in from outside to take advantage. Who knows how many children living in Oxford have actually benefited from this scheme. The truth is councils, now more than ever, find themselves strapped for cash. Providing free swimming for the young and old might be a populist measure, but are there better things councils could spend their money on?