I AM writing following your article of March 24, about the attack on Adam Carlin.

It is of no surprise that the judge only sentenced Tony Reddington, who had pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm, to eight months.

How does this pathetic sentence in any way show the thug who inflicted the injuries that actions have consequences?

Too many people respond to, or instigate aggressive situations these days and give no thought whatsoever to the consequences.

My family have suffered immense pain due to the actions of someone else who left our loved one in a permanent coma.

It is not enough for these people to say: ‘I didn’t mean to hurt to that extent’.

They have to be taught that their actions do have consequences, and that these can be devastating.

Adam’s physical scars will heal and, like my relative, he will have some permanent physical reminders. But the mental scars may never heal.

J DENTON, Didcot