Sir – As the former leaseholder for Cripley Island, I disagree with the letter from the Cripley Meadow Allotment Association (March 26). For 20 years I was encouraged by the council to maintain the island as a part-wild part-cultivated space as a natural habitat for birds, animals and insects, in collaboration with Scout groups, school groups and the like.

Problems with access and maintenance only started after the allotment association ringed their site with a steel fence and blocked access to the island.

Oxford City Council finally handed the new lease to the allotment association without ever explaining why our recent proposals, which included a proposed collaboration with English Nature and other conservation groups, were rejected.

The aim of the Allotment Association is quite clear from their letter: “Developing Cripley Island orchard is a commitment to a sustainable future and to the short route from ‘plot to pot’.”Historically the level of flooding in this area means that this may not be a viable proposition.

It is not surprising that some brave soul resorted to direct action, given the resulting devastation which has been wreaked on the island, not only by pollarding but also from the felling of many of the trees.

We were sad that we were not given the opportunity to discuss how we might have been able to co-operate with the association to preserve and protect this as a sanctuary for wildlife – an increasingly rare and precious phenomenon in urban areas.

R. Todd, Stonesfield