Sir – Anyone traversing the old Cumnor Hill may notice an astonishing sight.

To universal derision, the most crucial bus layby on the hill has been filled in, creating a five metre-wide expanse of useless tarmac, compared to the walkway width of 1m on the rest of the road.

This layby was crucial as it is near the brow of a dip in the road, so drivers will have a limited view of buses blocking the road and cyclists will be forced to veer out into oncoming traffic.

It is understood a shelter will be placed on the tarmac, to protect the usual single person waiting there.

This incredible waste of public money has been perpetrated by Oxfordshire Highways, who, despite this creating an accident waiting to happen, are presumably free of prosecution for their reckless act.

Anyone going further up the hill will also notice a major housing development, which must increase the traffic flow and the risk.

Meanwhile, you can drive all over the country and not find a road surface as bad as Cumnor Hill, jolting even modern car suspension and making cycling perilous, the result of careless restitution of the surface after drainage trenches, again doubtless supervised by Oxfordshire Highways.

Bill Leonard, Oxford