Police are appealing for witnesses after a house was burgled in Manor Road, South Hinksey.

Between 3.15pm and 7pm on Tuesday, thieves forced their way into the house through a rear ground floor window and stole a laptop, television, camera and some jewellery.

PC Maria Morrisey said: “Burglaries can be distressing for any victim and although we are working hard to tackle these crimes and catch those responsible I would like to take this opportunity to ask residents to help us to do this.

“I urge anyone who might have seen any suspicious activity or has any information about the burglary, to contact me.

“Most burglaries are carried out by opportunist thieves. In two out of ten burglaries, they don’t even have to use excess force; they manage to get in through an open door or window.

"If doors aren’t locked properly, especially UPVC doors, the thieves can use an implement through the letterbox to open the door.”

Anyone with any information should contact PC Morrisey at Abingdon police station via 0845 8 505 505, or if you don’t want to talk to the police or give your name, call the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.