A RECENT rise in the number of burglaries in the Botley area has prompted police to call for vigilance by householders.

Between noon and 1pm on Tuesday, March 17, a resident of Eynsham Road saw a man carrying a rucksack away from a house.

It was later discovered that the house had been burgled and electrical items had been stolen.

The thief was described as white, aged between 17 and 22 and skinny, with dark brown hair.

He is between 5ft 6in and 6ft tall, and was wearing a beige top.

At 9.05pm on Wednesday, February 25 a man was inside his house in Eynsham Road when he saw a reflection of a young man in a mirror.

The intruder noticed that he had been seen and fled from the house.

He was wearing dark clothing and a balaclava or a hooded top and a scarf to cover his face. He is about 5ft 10in and slim.

In both incidents, the thieves headed towards Pinnocks Way.

Between 6am and 10am on Friday, March 13, a house in North Hinksey Lane was burgled and two laptop computers and a handbag were stolen.

Pc Paul Reece said: “I urge anyone who might have seen any suspicious activity, or has any information about these burglaries, to contact me.

“Around the time these burglaries happened, we received reports of men knocking on doors, trying to sell goods. Although most people who do this are genuine, I would like to ask anyone who feels concerned to contact us about doorstep callers.

“Most burglaries are carried out by opportunist thieves. In two out of 10 burglaries, they don’t even have to use excess force, they manage to get in through an open door or window.

“If doors aren’t locked properly, the thieves can use an implement through the letterbox to open them.”

Anyone with information about the incidents should call Pc Reece on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.