Gordon Brown and Buckingham Palace have discussed plans to scrap the ban on heirs to the throne marrying Roman Catholics and to give royal daughters an equal claim to the throne, a Downing Street source has said.

The Prime Minister was said to be ready to raise reforms to the 1701 Act of Settlement with Commonwealth heads of government at a meeting in November.

The issue will be raised in the Commons when MPs debate legislation introduced by Oxford West and Abingdon Liberal Democrat MP Dr Evan Harris to end the "uniquely discriminatory" rules.

Dr Harris has cross-party support for his proposals but looks unlikely to win ministerial support at this stage as the Government grapples with what it said would be a "complex undertaking".

The Act states that heirs to the throne lose their right to be the sovereign if they marry a Catholic or convert - forcing royal brides over the years to leave the faith to protect their husband's birthright.

The wife of Peter Phillips, the Queen's grandson, did just this before their wedding last year so that he remained 11th in line to the throne.

His claim could be made stronger still if action to end the practice of male heirs taking precedence was made retrospective as his mother, the Princess Royal, would leapfrog her two younger brothers.

She would become fourth in line, behind Prince Harry, instead of coming after the Duke of York and the Earl of Wessex and their children.

Dr Harris' Royal Marriages and Succession to the Crown (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill is co-sponsored by Catholic parliamentarians such as Tory MP Edward Leigh, Labour's Andrew Mackinlay and John Grogan and fellow Liberal Democrat John Pugh.

Asked if it would back the backbench legislation, a Ministry of Justice spokesman said: "To bring about changes to the law on succession would be a complex undertaking involving amendment or repeal of a number of items of related legislation, as well as requiring the consent of legislatures of member nations of the Commonwealth. We are examining this complex area although there are no immediate plans to legislate."