REFUGEES and asylum seekers who fled persecution and settled in Oxford have said a big thank you to the city which is helping them to build new lives.

A dozen refugees attended a reception last night at the Town Hall, where they gave speeches to back Oxford’s bid for recognition as an official City of Sanctuary.

The speakers, who represented some of the city’s estimated 4,000 refugees and asylum seekers, said their plight was better understood in Oxford than in other cities because of its educated residents.

However, they said they still faced great hardship, not least trying to start a life while separated from their families.

Martin Shaba, 40, who came to England in 2002 to escape the brutality of Robert Mugabe’s regime in Zimbabwe, said: “The people in Oxford have done their best to welcome me.

“Asylum seekers do feel more welcome here as it is a multi-cultural city and people are well educated.

“There are problems being a refugee because there is a belief that people come here to get benefits. But that is not true.”

Three years ago Mr Shaba was given £300 from the Lord Mayor’s fund for refugees in order to do a diploma at Oxford Brookes University.

He said: “Oxford has allowed me to do my studies, has given me shelter, and the people helped me integrate into society. It really is a city of sanctuary.”

Mr Shaba volunteers as a mentor at Refugee Resource, which, along with Asylum Welcome and Open Door, all based in Cowley Road, helps asylum seekers to settle.

Virginia Mukombozi, 62, who lives in Iffley Road escaped civil war in Central Africa eight years ago, and came to Oxford two years ago after living in Luton.

She said: “Oxford is very different from other places.

“I have received so much help from very good people here who have taught me to live on my own.”

Lord Mayor of Oxford Susanna Pressel said: “Oxford has had a reputation for providing sanctuary to persecuted people from all over the world for centuries.

“We gain such a lot from people who come here, and have done so much to make Oxford great and special.”

City of Sanctuary status is given to cities with an official coalition of community groups and organisations, geared at offering help to asylum seekers trying to settle.